Welcome to Annunciation Parish (commonly known as St. Mary’s),
We are a Roman Catholic parish, in the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois; a community of believers that strives to celebrate the liturgy faithfully and reverently, grow as a parish family, and seeks to follow the call of Jesus Christ. We seek to know and to live out the fact that Jesus calls us both as individuals and as a parish to be His disciples, to live in His love, and to share the Gospel with those we encounter. We know that being a disciple means to grow in our faith daily and that we are sent forth to proclaim the Good News. While this starts in our individual prayer lives, it is nourished during our liturgies and faith formation, and we pray that we will continue to be loving and merciful in our interactions with others.
Perhaps you are new to the area and are searching for a parish to join; or maybe it’s been awhile since you’ve been in a church, Catholic or otherwise; it’s possible that you’re not sure what you believe and you’re trying to figure out if there is something bigger than what we seem to experience in everyday life; regardless of what situation has brought you to our website and struck your interest, we would like to welcome you to our parish and invite you to attend Mass with us. If you have any questions, ask me after Mass, or feel free to call the parish phone number,1-844-536-6514, to email Donna Davis (parish Secretary) at stmarysshumway@gmail.com or email me at aprichard@dio.org.
God bless you,
Fr. Adam Prichard
Parochial Administrator
If you or a friend or relative is in need of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick please contact one of the priests who will come and administer the anointing. No time is a bad time to call a priest to ask to be anointed.
Please remember that unless you contact us or specifically ask the hospital to contact us we have no way of knowing that you are in the hospital.
To arrange a baptism please contact the parish secretary at stmarysshumway@gmail.com or use the contact us section on the website.
Prior to the baptism of their child, parents must attend a Baptism Class. These classes are usually held at St. Anthony Parish. Class dates and times are published in the parish bulletin. To register for a Baptism Class, please contact the St. Mary’s parish secretary at 1-844-536-6514.
The date and time of the celebration of the Sacrament is dependent upon the schedule of the Diocesan Bishop.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is celebrated at 8:00 am on Wednesdays, 4:00 pm on Saturdays and 8:00 am on Sundays.
If you wish to have a Mass celebrated for one of your intentions, please contact the parish secretary at stmarysshumway@gmail.com or us the contact section on the website.
Holy day and special occasion Mass schedules will be published I the bulletins.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation (also called Penance or Confession) is celebrated each Saturday afternoon prior to 4:00 pm Mass starting at 3:00.
Penance Services with individual confessions are celebrated during the seasons of Advent and Lent and are publicized through the parish bulletin.
A penitent may also schedule a time for confession by anonymously contacting one of the priests.
Couples wishing to enter the Sacrament of Marriage at St. Mary’s should contact one of the priests not less than six months prior to the intended date.
All couples wishing to marry must attend either a Marriage Encounter weekend or a Pre-Cana Conference and a Natural Family Planning Class. These are times are published in the bulletin or you may contact the parish secretary.
We encourage those who feel called to serve God’s people as a priest or permanent Deacon to contact us. We also encourage those women and men among us who may feel called to serve in religious life to contact us. We also ask our parishioners to encourage those who may be considering any of the above to come talk to us or visit www.dio.org/vocations.
Please continue to pray for vocations.
“God calls each of us to a particular vocation in life. The Catholic Church defines both particular vocations as states of life including single life, marriage, religious life, and priesthood, as well as a general vocation of all baptized believers.” For more information click here!
Who is God calling you to be?
Copyright © 2025, St. Mary's Catholic Church - Annunciation of the B.V.M., Inc. All Rights Reserved.